Tuesday 16 October 2007

The Big Day

Signing on the 'dotted'.

Wedding car and escort

The big day comes and goes far too quickly. Everyone has a great time, and the Thai Elephant is a big hit. So big in fact that my Borough's CID organise their next lunch there. The Richmond Hill Hotel wedding night treat from my extended Met family is amazing. An atmosphere that is conducive to ah, well... err, a wedding night?! The only hiccup occurs when my good friend Mike, an officer from Merseyside Police, takes a drunken wrong turn and ends up in a very predatory gay bar. Well, that’s his excuse!

Nonetheless, after a flurry of nervous texts to my hotel supper table, I organise a rescue party in the shape of my loyal fellow detective friend TQ, who helps peel the inebriated Mike from his new mustachioed chum.

Anyway, a final nod of appreciation to Superintendent Chalk, DCI De Meyer, DI Leonard, DS Windmill, DC Sheridan, the Commissioner, Sir Ian Blair, the traffic Sgt. who did the out riding, and everyone else that made this a very special day (sorry, I just don't have the space to fit you all in). To my very special family, thank you.


Ed said...

Such flagrant waste of tax payers money, for shame.
Still, pretty cool though.

Ed said...

you with hair, looks odd actualy.

The bastard child of Gene Hunt said...

Booh, humbug! to you to

Komplutense said...

So nice! with the "presepio" Not all weddings have one!

Actually, it's the first one I've seen with it. It must be something Italian...


The bastard child of Gene Hunt said...

M, dopo tutto era stato Natale.