Thursday 18 October 2007


Mercifully, I’m unconscious for the sawing of the head. I’m only brought round when they’re digging about inside my temporal lobe. Again, when they start to put everything back together and insert the staples, I’m put back under.
I wake up vomiting as usual. There’s something about surgery and me that doesn’t agree gastrically. Once the nausea has passed I quickly conduct a self-assessment. Arms, legs, third leg, eyes, yes, everything seems to be working fine. A nurse points a very bright pencil torch into my eyes. “What date is it? Where are you? Who is the prime minister?” I reply, “2136, an orbiting medical facility 2500 miles above the Earth, not ‘who’ more ‘what’ is the prime minister.” The nurse is confused and turns to a colleague for advice. I smile, still got my sense of humour, self-assessment complete!
An hour later I’m on the Critical Care Unit (CCU) surrounded by friends and family. I’m starving and I’ve missed dinner. Not a bad thing considering what had been on the menu. TQ steps forward and suggests a Big Mac and fries. Not usually a 'Maca D' fan I amaze myself by accepting the offer. Thirty minutes later he returns with a Burger King instead. Result!
The nurse returns with the eye torch, "Where are you? Who are you? Who is the prime minister?" "Well, if this is CTU I must be Jack Bauer, as for the last question... dont remind me".

My neurosurgeon and his entourage visit me later in the evening. Mr Marsh is honest and straight to the point when he tells me that he estimates that he has only managed to remove 30% of the tumour. He adds that because of my good reaction to the surgery he is confident that he can go back in next week to remove the remainder. I agree immediately, in for a penny in for a pound, who dares wins, nothing ventured nothing gained, blah! Blah! Blah!


Ed said...

A tad on the grisly side, dude. Images of Hannibal, Saw 4 and Scary movie ran thru' my head.

When torch nurse had asked her questions, your reply should have been,
"How do you know my language? Are you Sara Conner?

Or you could have answered in Italian.

The bastard child of Gene Hunt said...

Sorry dude, thats how it was. I'm not gonna flower it up and pretend it was just another episode of Fifi and the Flowertots. It was an horrendous experience. Bad things do happen to good people, its called 'war', 'disease', and 'crime'. In a nutshell; life.
Thinking about it, I should have cried, 'this isn't my body, what have you done with MY body?' Or (pointing at scar, whisper into the nurse's ear), 'Is THIS the best you can do?Think THIS is going to stop me? Ha! I can still hear your thoughts puny human, and I grow stronger everyday while your race only gets weaker'.
Yeah, I'm twisted!

...Or Klingon. For example, 'jIjatlhpa' jatlh Homvey, pujwI' HIvlu'chugh quvbe'lu', jIwuQ bImoHqu'.
A twisted geek! Go look the above up.

Komplutense said...

You could have talked like Kevin Spacey in K-Pax. Everybody had doubts he was actually an alien.
He had a very strange name on his own language and he ended up vanishing from the "facility" he was in...

Alan and Anna said...

good to see you today serpico ..

sorry iwas a tad busy but the work is non stop...

see you soon


The bastard child of Gene Hunt said...

As always, it was good to see you. Also, I really enjoyed my conversation with the boss, what a top bloke, I hope I get the opportunity to talk in detail with him again soon.