Wednesday 13 June 2007

Blink and its over

Nine months have flown by since that fateful day in September. A nice cycle ride to work after a light work out at home on my weights bench. Just crossed Kew bridge when it hit me. Most weirdest sensation I ever experienced. Felt like my soul was being pulled out through my face, and I started to float. Soul must have got about 3 metres out then 'SHBANG', straight back at me like it was attached to some great elastic band. And that's when I came back down to Earth with a bump. Not good when you're on a flimsy Bianchi racer being overtaken by a number 65 double decker. Luck would have it that I got off the bike before being swatted like a bug, and then massive amounts of disorientation. I immediately tried to make sense of it all. Was I over-heating? Was my ruc-sac on too tight? Was my cycle jersey on too tight? I wish! I realised that it was worse, much worse. Why else would I have had auditory hallucinations in the form of music I couldn't quite put my finger on, olfactory hallucination in the form of a smell I couldn't figure out and a strange feeling of deja vue?
Anyway, I carried on to work, wheeling the bike all the way. Being a typical bloke I decided to put it all to the back of my mind and hoped my body would sort itself out. For the rest of the day I felt like crap, like I'd been through 10 rounds with Iron Mike, except I showed no external injuries.


Ed said...

Welcome to Blogsphere dude. When are you next up this way?

Penny Karma, aka the F-Bomb Mom said...

Hi, I'm Penny, a Blogpal of Ed's. Just wanted to welcome you.

OLPP said...

Ed made me read your blog.
I must know what all of that means, what you wrote. I shan't rest until I know.

I will rest, yes, but I'd still like to know.

The bastard child of Gene Hunt said...

Keep reading and all will be made clear

oddball8974 said...

Halfpast ten sir! What was that? Dont fire till you see the whites of the bastards eyes, my god you shot him Mike right between the eyes! There will be shit to pay for this, look at the blood! I actually shot the bastard 100yards straight between the eyes But there wasnt and 25 yrs later we are still as mad as a bag of mad things on national mad day during the festival of mad. A man once said (or was it a transvestite? god how we partied) "You know your friends not by those who are with you on the good days, but by those who call you on the bad ones" So stop phoneing me ashole :-) And to quote you............
If your driving through hell dont slow to take the view, put your foot to the boards and drive on through.
My door is always open dude lights on and as usual im not home xxx oddball

The bastard child of Gene Hunt said...

And one crucial point... Don't pick up hitch hikers either

oddball8974 said...

Especially if they are 6 2 wearing stockings and have stubble!! But hell I was 23 and she did pay for the room!

The bastard child of Gene Hunt said...

Oddball, that was one helluva shot. It should go down in history (well it has now, these blogs will be here long after us - the beauty of the interweb). Easily 100 yards, straight from the hip, perfect centre and down he went. The first aid was the funniest. Trying to squeeze a round out of a forehead like it was a zit. What an image.